The comms2point0 UnAwards 2015 are now officially open. How can you enter? how can you nominate and how can you attend them? Here’s the lowdown…

By Darren Caveney

So you’ve delivered some great work this year which has made a difference. And you might just feel like it deserves a little smidge of recognition. Well you’re in luck because the comms2point0 UnAwards have arrived giving you the opportunity to show off your best work.

It might be a social media initiative which delivered amazing returns or it might be a shiny new website which has made your online business purr. How about a campaign which has made a difference to your residents, patients or customers. Or a good old fashioned piece of great storytelling.

Whatever you’ve created this year there’s almost certainly a category amongst the 15 in this year’s UnAwards.

We were overwhelmed with entries in in 2014 so you’ll need to think carefully about how you make yours stand out from the crowd and grab the judge’s attention. Or if you are entering a public vote category think about how best to impress your colleagues across the industry.


With 15 categories to choose from there really is something for everyone in terms of entering this year. And it’s absolutely fine to enter more than one category, just in case you were wondering.

You might also want to nominate a colleague for an award. This could be someone who has inspired or impressed you, someone who has given much to the industry, or a piece of work which has just blown your comms socks off.  From categories such as best comms or digital officer, through to the lifetime achievement award there are several ways in which you can nominate someone worthy. Just complete the entry form, submit it to us as and we’ll do the rest.


At the centre of the comms2point0 ethos is creativity and innovation. So if you can demonstrate to us and the panel of judges that you have tackled a problem, new or old, a little bit differently you’ll stand more chance of glory.


Lots of you have already been in touch to ask about the entry costs. Well they’re FREE.

The UnAwards are designed to be the most inclusive and accessible comms industry awards around.

This year entries will be submitted via Dropbox. All you need to do is complete the simple entry form and upload this and one attachment to your Dropbox account and share the link with us. Easy peasy.

Now, not all of you will have a Dropbox account, and some of you may have trouble accessing Dropbox at work. No bother, you can easily do it at home. It is straightforward and simple to use (and actually a rather handy resource to have if you’ve not used it before)


The closing date is 28 October so there’s no excuse - get thinking about your entries now (don’t leave it until the day before, ahem)


Whether you are entering or not you will want to be at the UnAwards event taking place on 3 December at the rather lovely Everyman Cinema, Birmingham sat in one of the venue’s very plush sofas with footrests, no less.

Ceremony, film and food – it will be fun and entertaining and this year there is even a meal thrown in. And with tickets priced at a rather amazing £20 Christmas has quite literally come early.

You can snap up your ticket here. Don’t hang around, when they’re gone, they’re gone.

We’re watching lots of films right now to select the finest prime cut to watch on the day. We’ll tell you more about this soon.

In the meantime, get cracking with your entries and your nominations.

So, to recap – the UnAwards 2015:

Free and simple to enter, cheap as chips to attend. We hope we’ve whet your appetite.

Good luck to you all.

Darren Caveney is co-creator of comms2point0 and the UnAwards

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